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Starting The Morning The Night Before

April 21, 2021 2 min read

Do you find mornings a challenge in your home?

So much to do and little time to do it. I completely get it. It can be a struggle to get everyone out the door without any fuss, so I wanted to share some strategies I have implemented in our house that you may like to try, too.

It all starts the night before! Getting your kids involved the evening before can teach them to set their next day up for success.

Things that work for us are:

- Getting the kids to fill up their water bottle, organise their school/kinder/day-care bag including any library books etc. They can also organise their shoes and socks ready to go at the front door.

- Preparing breakfast – we have overnight oats on week days, so preparing the bowls, placemats and cutlery the night before helps a lot.

- Preparing our clothes and laying them out ready for the morning. This means the decision of what to wear is already made.

- Preparing lunchboxes. I always prepare whilst I’m cooking dinner so I’m not scrambling the next morning. I always include seasonal fruit, crackers, cheese, egg, dips, veggie sticks and any left-over homemade muffins I may have made that week. I make sure I always have these on hand to make preparing a lunchbox easy and well balanced.

I find that once dinner is over, I can relax knowing the next morning is ready to go and can enjoy playing a family game followed by story time and cuddles before bed.

Looking after future you is so important and this is definitely a productive way to make your mornings as stress free as possible, whilst at the same time making the family’s morning run smoothly.

Do you practice any of these strategies?